Saturday, June 27, 2009

Journey To Me

The other day I was talking with another mother and she was telling me that she's still waiting to find out what's she's going to be when she grows-up. I thought about that and I started to wonder: "aren't we all still trying to figure out Who we are?" I thought I had my life figured out in highschool...boy was that a rude awakening. In college I experienced alot but through it all I began to discover who Sanenyah really was. It was frightening because a personality and views I never dealt with began to uproot. It was very uncomfortable, sharing the new me with my loved ones. To be honest it wasn't new it was just suppressed. It was easier than constantly hearing "you've changed"; in a very negative tone. I began to realize that your loved ones doesn't like change very much because their comfortable in what they know or too busy trying to impress their own insecurities upon you. Its too much to have to embrace something unfamilair. I had to make a decsion to truly "love me"; in loving me means "being all of me all the time". I can't worry what others think about me. I won't allow such foolishness to hold me back any longer. I have only one life to live and its time to come out of my shell. Embracing myself and sharing myself is the only way I will be able to fully grasp the joys God has for me. I understand that I can't reach levels in life without going through the depths of it all. Like most I have a past but I refuse to allow it to hold me back. I'm in the present and I have to enjoy today and focus on the future. The journey is exciting and I am prepared for the adventure for God as equipped me with all the esstentials needed.

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